#AutisticAF Out Loud

2 min readSep 30, 2022


Let’s Explore #AutisticJoy… Together.

Cover frame: Picture of young black child dancing in a sprinkler in foreground, blurred playground with young white girl in background. Headline 1 reads, “On #Autistic Joy, Personality & Being in the FLow…, S1e2. Bottom headline, “Let’s explore Autistic Joy… Together.” Caption: “lost to the world but found in himself.”
Cover image.
Captioned for audio processing ease.

For some time, I’ve been lucky enough to have regular supporters of #AutisticAF Out Loud. These few angels keep the blog, podcast, videocast, and email communication going…

I offer ALL autism info free. And will continue to do so. Til… ya know, I drop the body.

But I’m adding paid newsletters because I don’t cover expenses… about $175/mo. Which I cover out of my baseline Social Secuirty check.

On Ko-Fi I’ve created 3 membership tiers for supporters… each with neat gifts.

All Ko-Fi tips & memberships go toward fees, software, and equipment. So I can focus on keeping all the FREE #AutisticAF Out Loud episodes flowing… Instead of scrambling to pay bills.

#1 Supporter $5/mo

All supporters receive my exclusive “Week in Autism” email newsletter. A roundup of important… and unusual… links.

  • Direct Messages
  • Social Media Shout-out

#2 Patron $10/mo

Exclusive Autism Week-in-Review newsletter. Plus original artwork, fiction & poetry only available to Patrons.

  • Exclusive Content
  • Week in Autism email newsletter.
  • Social Media Shout-out
  • Direct Message access… pick my brain any time.

#3 Founding Member $25/mo

A founding member not only supports my work… but helps me grow and improve it. They’re there for me. I go the extra mile for them.

NOTE: I do not consult. But I freely share my experience. Which may help you find your own answers.

Artwork available to download, 10″ x 12″ via email. Signed, up to 40″ movie poster size by arrangement.

  • Reproducible original artwork.
  • Access via private conference call, text & email correspondence.
  • All Patron, Supporter & Free benefits included.

If you’re autistic, love one, care for one, work with some… or just can’t figure out if you ARE one…

If you found something valuable here… an idea, reading… or that shock when you realize you’re not alone… Your tip or sub means a lot.

Support AutisticAF.me here: Paypal · Ko-Fi · Facebook Pay “Johnny Knapp Âû

Click on this Ko-Fi button to tip or subscribe #AutisticAF Out Loud podcast, blog, videocast.
Click to tip or subscribe #AutisticAF Out Loud podcast, blog, videocast.

